TANGO: Taxonomic Assignment in Metagenomics

Copyright © 2010 J. C. Clemente, J. Jansson, G. Valiente

Perl Script and Data Sets

Usage Notes

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TANGO: Taxonomic Assignment in Metagenomics (tango.pl version 1.2.0)
# Copyright (c) 2010 Jose C. Clemente, Jesper Jansson, and Gabriel Valiente
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# usage:
#   perl tango.pl [tree.tre] [reads.txt] [q = 0.5] > [output.txt]
# input:
#   [tree.tree] is a taxonomy tree in Newick format, corresponding to a
#     classification of biological species in seven taxonomic ranks:
#     kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species
#   [reads.txt] is a text file containing the parsed output of a mapping
#     program, in the format: [read_id] [species_id_1] ... [species_id_n]
#   [q = 0.5] is a parameter that allows balancing the taxonomic assignment
#     between precision (q = 0) and recall (q = 1), with q = 0.5 (default)
#     corresponding to the F-measure (harmonic mean of precision and
#     recall)
# output:
#   for each line in the input [reads.txt] file:
#     read_id
#     for each node_id in [tree.tre] with optimal precision and recall
#       node_id to which read_id was assigned
#       taxonomic_rank at which read_id was assigned
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sample Usage

Gabriel Valiente valiente@ (lsi.upc.edu)