This is a brief guide to the topics offered as Projects (PFC) at ETSEIB de LSI. Updated on 24-10-2001.

Under construction.
Contents may change .

The proposed projects.

Geographic Information Systems for Transportation: A Structure for Topological Analysis for Multimodal Transportation Network

Lluís Pérez Vidal.

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Goal: To design and develop an open application structure able to manage and analyze geographic and transportation information taking into account multimodal transportation network (i.e. transportation network composed of, for example, bus, rail, bicycle and sidewalks layers). Requirements: Basic C++ or Visual C++ programming skills; Some knowledge of shortest path algorithms

Computation of critical currents in superconductors

Co-advisors: Jaume Amorós (Dept. Applied Mathematics I) Lluís Pérez Vidal. (Dept. Computer Science.)

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To calculate current circulation maps in ceramic superconductor materials of the YBaCuO kind, taking into account magnetic field measurements made on the outside.

Application: Superconductor ceramics, discovered less than 15 year ago start to see light as industrial applications (feed-bars,SQUIDS, current limiters, etc. ). These apppliances need three-dimensional centimeter-size bits. But the great sensitivity of superconductivity to cristalization defects in the material cause circulation of current in samples of that size to be irregular. Control of the quality of the material is critical. It is of uttermost importance to compute the current through the sample non-destructively. This problem has been the subject of our cooperation with the electromagnetism and superconductivity group of the Institute of Materials Science Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona,of the CSIC, the Research Council of Spain, led by X. Oradors from 1996.

The goal of this project is the computation of the critical current in samples of plane cristalization. The magnetization of the sample is approximated by a discrete function and this allows for the linearization of the problem and the resolution throgh a QR Householder decomposition. The size of the resulting system calls for an "out of core" method , that is, only a part of the system is resident in RAM memory at any one time. But the problem can be solved on a PC with Linux.

The error control on this critical current computation will be done by comparison of the results of a computation of the results of measures of the magnetic field on the sample at different heights with those of a program of direct computation of numerical integrations of the Biot-Savart law, of the magnetic field generated by the current yield.

Once this application is developed its use will be offered to the groups that synthesize these superconducting samples through a UPC server.

For the visualization of data we will use Matlab and Octave, with GNUPlot.


J. Amorós, M. Carrera, J.Fontcuberta, X. Obradors,
Càlcul de corrents crítics per mitjà de mesures de camp magnètic,
Informe, dept. Matemàtica Aplicada I UPC,

J. Amorós, M. Carrera, X. Granados, J. Fontcuberta, X. Obradors,
Computation of critical current through magnetic flux profile measurements,
en H. Rogalla, D. H. A. Blank, editors, Proceedings of EUCAS 1997, the Third European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Institute of Physics Conference Series 158 (1997) 1639-1642.

Created by Jaume Amorós.

Potential uses of the VMD molecule visualization package

Lluís Pérez Vidal.

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The goal of this project is to evaluate, from a user point of view, the VMD Visual Molecular Dynamics package from the Theoretical Biophysics Group of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. MolMol package. MolMol has been developed at the ETH Zurich. Easy installation and easy use are two of the properties of the package to be appraised and quantified. The procedures for stereo vision and the hardware requirements associated are most important.

Potential uses of the MolMol molecule visualization package

Lluís Pérez Vidal.

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The goal of this project is to evaluate, from a user point of view, the MolMol package. MolMol has been developed at the ETH Zurich. Easy installation and easy use are two of the properties of the package to be appraised and quantified. The potential for stereo vision and the hardware requirements associated are most important.

Conversion of the stero option of the RasMol molecule visualization package to active stereo

Lluís Pérez Vidal.

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The stereo option of RasMol now shows the two views (right and left) side-by-side. The goal of the project is to enable 3D viewing with CristalEyes glasses under infra-red synchronization.

Representation of 3D Digital Images under the EVM model. Conversion algorithms.

Dolors Ayala Vallespí.

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This project consists of the implementation of an algorithm to obtain the frontier of a 3D digital image usin the EVM model as an intermediate. The initial datum is an image in the usual voxels model. An EVM-formatted model will be obtained and, then, the frontier will be rebuilt. NOTE: This project is suitable for one or two students.

Decompositon of an orthogoanl object as the Alternate Addition of Volumes using the EVM model.

Dolors Ayala Vallespí.

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This project will apply a decomposition system called Alternate Addition of Volumes on the simplest cse of orhogonal polyhedra represented under the EVM model. This method supports the representation of an object as the alternate addition of convex volumes (in this case, boxes) and also as a sequence of volumes to be extracted from an initial box. NOTE: This project is suitable for one or two students.

Triangular mesh reduction.

Núria Pla Garcia.

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Survey and implementation of existing methods for the simplification and reduction of triangular meshes. These methods are used to accelerate and manage the data obtained from digitization of objects and terrains.

Surface Model Conversions.

Núria Pla Garcia.

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Survey and implementation of models for sculptured surface representation. Algorithms for the interchange between models. (Bèzier, B-Splines, NURBS).

Interactive edition of curves and surfaces.

Núria Pla Garcia.

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The goal of this project is the implementation of an interactive editor of curves and surfaces using the resources of the GL graphics library. The editor should be able to read and write curves and surfaces under standard formats (VDA, IGES ).

Design system based on the deformation of solids.

Pere Brunet.

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Design and implementation of a small CAD package for 3D objects, using smoothing techniques based on recursive subdivision and later deformation. This system is intended for the design of furniture complements.

Construction of a Modular Graphics System on a Silicon Graphics workstation.

Pere Brunet / Daniela Tost.

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Construction of a system for an easy interconnection between several design and 3d graphics visualization modules through a graphical interface. The goal is the generation of realistic 3d graphics applications.

Geometric solid modelling system.

Pere Brunet.

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Construction of a small CAD system for 3d polyedric solids. The system will have commands for the input, edition, interrogation, visualization and other specific operations on solids. It will be programmed in the C++ language. The system will be embedded in an existing platform running on Unix hardware.

Geometric solid modelling system.

Pere Brunet.

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Construction of a small CAD system for 3d polyedric solids. The system will have commands for the input, edition, interrogation, visualization and other specific operations on solids. It will be programmed in the C++ language. The system will be embedded implemented on a PC.

System for the edition of color in images.

Pere Brunet.

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Package to introduce changes in digital images to be read from a device (hard disk, diskette) in the standard formats (tiff,etc.) in order to improve or change their color. The system will give the user the possibility to interact with the machine under any of the usual color models, to visualize the results and to store them in the device.

Design and implementation of a system to retrieve project documentation by means of a hypertext tool.

Sebastià Vila

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The update and retrieval of technical and user documentation associated to large projects is a very complex task. An application will be designed to help reduce that complexity. It will have: {---}A unique description of the documentation from which technical manuals can be automatically derived and printed. It will be accessed from a graphics terminal through a hypertext system.

{---}A computerized system to retrieve information which will deliver a fast access to the desired information. This system will have a user-friendly graphic interface and a hypertext organization.

Cuberille-based volume visualization system.

Daniela Tost.

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Analysis, design and implementation of an interactive visualization system for the implicit surfaces in a segmented voxel model. It is meant for application in medicine for the visualization of objects reconstructed from medical images.

Design and implementation of a software platform for the treatment and visualization of medical images.

Isabel Navazo

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The primary goal of this project is the design and implementation of a basic representation model for images taken from medical equipment (CT,MRI). This software will include: user interface, possibility of reading data in several formats, design of the image class, basic treatment and visualization of images and the construction of a tridimensional voxel model from a set of images.

System to visualize volumetric data based on a ray-casting algorithm.

Dani Tost

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Design and implementation of a generic ray-casting algorithm for visualizing surfaces and volume. The design will be adaptaded to the software platform already in the section. A specific application for the visualization of hybrid models in medicine will be developed.

Interactive visualization and analysis system for petrol fields.

Isabel Navazo

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The goal of this project is the implementation of software for visualizing petrol fields modeled by means of octree models. This software, adapted to the volume platform of the section, will allow the interactive visualization of the surface and the volume of the field. It will also embed the capabilities to analize, desing and implement fundamental interaction and volumetric computation capabilities for the optimal location of extraction drills.

Interactive graphic program for MAT (Medial Axis Transform).

Lluís Pérez Vidal.

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Starting with an existing operative implementation, a new and better package will be developed. Aspects to be improved include interaction with the user and data encapsulation.

Connection between CAD systems.

Pere Brunet .

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Production of a survey on communications standars among CAD systems, and then implementation of the interfaces to connect, through DXF and IGES, the DMI solid modelling system with other packages in the market (CATIA, AUTOCAD).

Triangular grid superposition.

Lluís Pérez Vidal.

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Initially, we have two solids with their respective triangular grids covering them. Both solids are convex and they overlap. We wish to build the grid covering the union of the two solids, using as much as possible from the previous grids.

If you have any comment, complaint or suggestion, please, send me email