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Leonor Frias Moya

PhD in Computer Science

Affiliation as PhD Student:

Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Campus Nord - Edifici Omega, s109
Jordi Girona Salgado, 1-3
E-08034 Barcelona
e-mail: lfrias at

In June 2010, I got my PhD from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). My PhD thesis was developed in the ALBCOM research group. Specifically, it was supervised by Salvador Roura and Jordi Petit.

My PhD thesis, entitled Data Structures Libraries, deals with several problems arising from combining theory and practice in algorithmics, in particular when considering requirements in software libraries. The well-known Standard Template Library (STL) of the C++ programming language has been the common thread of this research. My thesis contributes results on fundamental problems such as sorted sequences, dictionaries, sorting and selection. This has been done taking advantage of the particularities of string keys and the capabilities of modern computers; namely, memory hierarchies and parallel cores. Besides, I have used a wide range of techniques including analysis and design of algorithms and data structures, high performance computing, experimental algorithmics, and algorithm engineering.

During my PhD, I participated in several international conferences, both giving talks and as a member of the organizing committee. Also, I was teaching assistant of P1, a first year programming course for computer scientists. In addition, in 2007 I made a 4-month research visit at ITI Sanders, Universität Karlsruhe, where I participated in a project to parallelize the STL. This project is now shipped with the GNU GCC compiler as the libstdc++ parallel mode. Finally, in 2009 I also did an internship at Google Munich working on engineering productivity.

Currently, I am not affiliated with UPC. Please, do not hesitate to contact me at <name>.<surname> at for any question on my past research or for possible collaborations.

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