Javier Vázquez Salceda
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 Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group (KEMLg)Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group (KEMLg)

 Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)

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 For a long, long time I've liked teaching. I began as lots of people do: teaching a little of Mathematics, Phisics, English or Technical Drawing to non-universitary guys and gals.  Later, during my last three years as student of Computer Science, I entered as teaching assistant of the LSI department, helping at the practical lessons of a programming course that belongs to the first year od the Computer Science program, "Beginning to Programming".

Since then, I have been teacher in the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia), and  I also teached in some undergraduate and master courses at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universitat de Barcelona and Utrecht University. Sometimes I give seminars, too.

The areas I have recently teached can be summarized with the following keywords: Modular Programming, Object-Oriented design and programming, Distributed Programming, Programming in Java, Programming in C++, Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Agents and the Web, Agents and e-Commerce.

Master on Artificial Intelligence (LSI Department, UPC)

In the 2011-2012 course I am involved in the teaching of:


In previous courses I have been also involved in the teaching of:


In the past I have been also assisting on the coordination of seminars given by invited speakers to the master students.

enter to the Facultad de Informática de Barcelona

Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB-UPC)

In the 2011-2012 course I am involved in the teaching of:


In the past I have been Teaching Assistant of the LSI Department, from 1996 to 1999, and from 2005 to present, teaching the courses:

  1. Iniciació a la Programació ("Programming 101"): a undergraduate course at the Facultad de Informática de Barcelona.
  2. Iniciació a la Programació -curs pilot Java-("Programming 101 -test course in Java-"): Assist in coordination and in preparing new material during the conversion of the course from a Classic Programming approach to an Object-Oriented approach, a conversion leaded by Kim Gabarró which was done in the academical year 1998-1999. From this experience we wrote a paper in the conference "Jornades de Treball: Les tecnologies de la informació i les comunicacions en l'educació a la UPC" organized by the ICE (see publications section).
  3. Intel.ligencia Artificial ("Artificial Intelligence"), a undergraduate course at the Facultad de Informática de Barcelona.
  4. Aplicacions de la Intel.ligencia Artificial ("Artificial Intelligence Applications"), a master course at the Facultad de Informática de Barcelona. Course is about applications of distributed AI, including agents.


enter to the Facultad de Informática de Barcelona

Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (FME-UPC) and Facultad de Economia y Empresa (FEE-UB)

In the 2009-2010 course I was involved in the teaching of:

In the past I have been teaching the courses:

  1. Fonaments d'Informàtica ("Computer Science 101"), a undergraduate course at the Facultat de Matemátiques i Estadistica.
  2. Programació ("Programming 101"), a undergraduate course at the Facultat de Matemátiques i Estadistica.


Faculteit Wiskunde en Informatica (Utrecht Universiteit)

During 2004-2005 I teached some corses at the Faculteit Wiskunde en Informatica:

Universiteit Utrecht

Fundació UPC

In the year 2000 I teached at the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya, in four courses belonging to the "Master in Software Engineering", coordinated by Ramon Sangüesa:
  • Agents Software ("Software agents"), in collaboration with Ramon Sangüesa and Alberto Vázquez.
  • Sistemes Multiagents ("Multi-agent systems"), in collaboration with Ramon Sangüesa and Alberto Vázquez.
  • Llenguatges i Eines Base ("Languages and basic tools"), in collaboration with Alberto Vázquez, Alex Abad and Francesc Santanach.
  • Programació en Java ("Programming in Java"), in collaboration with Alberto Vázquez, Alex Abad and Francesc Santanach. 

enter to the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

My collaboration with the UOC began with an assignment from Enric Mor Pera (former member of KEMLg) to check, modify and expand the didactic material for two courses: "Programació en Java Avançat" (Programming in Advanced Java) and "Fonaments de la Programació II" (Fundamentals of Programming II), both from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 

Then I entered as teacher of the course "Fonaments de la Programació II",  from September 1999 to February 2001. All the teaching was made through Internet. 


  • J. Vázquez, E. Mor, Recerca Informàtica SL. Material of the course "Programació en Java Avançat". Formació Continuada UOC, 1999. (note: electronic book only available to the UOC students). Spanish version: "Programación en Java Avanzado"
  • J. Vázquez, E. Mor, Recerca Informàtica SL. Material of the course "Fonaments de Programació II". Estudis d'Informàtica i Multimedia, UOC, 1999.(note: electronic book only available to the UOC students). Spanish version: "Introducción a la Orientación a objetos".
enter in UOC


 jvazquez@lsi.upc.edu, Thu Oct 6 10:20 CET 2011