Workshop on Computer Graphics Education 2006:

"Defining an International Curriculum in Computer Graphics"

September 9, 2006, Vienna, Austria

       Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics

We invite you to participate in the 2006 edition of the Computer Graphics Education Workshop. Our aim is to define an international curriculum in Computer Graphics which respects the Bologna requirements (EU) and reflects the international nature of the computer graphics education workshops to date.
This one-day workshop will be held in conjunction with the Eurographics 2006 conference in Vienna, Austria. This workshop will continue the sequence of computer graphics education workshops over the last few years. These workshops and links to their reports are:

We welcome the participation of persons interested in and committed to computer graphics education. Participation will be on the basis of accepted position papers.
Each position paper should:

They will be reviewed by the workshop's organizing committee and additional reviewers as needed, and invitations are expected to be extended by June 9, 2006. We expect to limit the number of participants to 30-40.
The workshop will include lunch, coffee breaks, and there will be a registration fee of 40 Euros to cover the expenses for these.
We encourage anyone interested in the workshop to consider attending the education programme at the Eurographics 06 conference whose announcement is at

A fairly good overview of the European Higher Education Area (from the Bologna declaration) can be found at

Workshop co-chairs:
Jean-Jacques Bourdin, jj [at], University of Paris 8, France
Steve Cunningham, rsc [at], Grinnell College, USA
Marta Fairén, mfairen [at], Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Spain

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