Master, PhD, Bachelor or visiting students

Current Students

Elies RAMON (Ph.D. in Genetics) Machine learning methods for the prediction of complex phenotypes

David MORÁN (Bachelor in Computer Science)  Filtratge de dades per a Support Vector Machines

Ricard MEYERHOFER (Bachelor in Computer Science) Sistema de predicció de la font fecal de contaminació d'aigües

Pablo REYNOSO (Master in Artificial Intelligence) Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Techniques to solve a Breast Cancer Clinical trial ECOG-Classification Problem

Pol RODOREDA (Master in Informatics Engineering) Feature selection with iterative feature weighing methods

Jakob GERSTENLAUER (Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics) Making Kernel Machines Scalable Combining Matrix Approximations and Distributed Computing

Pol FERRANDO (Master in Statistics & Operations Research) Lighting the black box: Measuring the relevance of explanatory variables in Machine Learning algorithms

Francisco PÉREZ (Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics, tutored) Instance Segmentation of Point Clouds using Deep Learning

Camilo CASTRO (Bachelor in Computer Science) Reconeixement d'etiquetes de marques d'aigua

Nariman NAKHJIRI (Master in Artificial Intelligence, tutored) Adaptative case-based reasoning: maintenance and learning strategies

Daniel MORA (Master in Artificial Intelligence) New hybrid kernel architectures for deep learning

Miguel GARCÍA-ORTEGÓN (Master in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering) <no title yet>

Former Students

Gerard CEGARRA (Bachelor in Computer Science) Mòdul computacional per a una plataforma de càlcul online UPC, 2017

Aníbal MARTÍNEZ-SISTAC (Bachelor in Statistics) Models predictius per la detecció del frau en la valoració de béns immobles UPC, 2017 

Luis FÁBREGAS (Master in Artificial Intelligence) Forecasting Financial Time Series Using Multiple Kernel Learning UPC, 2017

Krishna KALYAN (Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics) Design and implement a mixture of deep network experts UPC, 2017

Àlex MIRÓ (Bachelor in Computer Science) Sistema de control de magatzems basat en Machine Learning UPC, 2017

Aitor ORTIZ DE LATIERRO (Bachelor in Computer Science) Aprenentatge eficient amb Memòries Associatives Kernelitzades UPC, 2017

Waseem GHRAIYIB (Master in Artificial Intelligence) Multi-label Learning in Drug Target Prediction UPC, 2016

Alicia NICÁS (Bachelor in Computer Science, tutored) Partitioning strategies for incremental mini­bucket UPC, 2016

Juan José VÁZQUEZ (Bachelor in Computer Science) Disseny de fàrmacs antiinflamatoris UPC, 2016

David CORRALES (Bachelor in Computer Science, tutored) Aplicació informàtica per al diagnòstic de factors psicosocials i efectes sobre la salut dels treballadors UPC, 2016

Adrià JORQUERA (Bachelor in Computer Science) Algorismes d'entrenament per xarxes neuronals basades en similitud UPC, 2016

Lluc PONT (Bachelor in Computer Science) CodeMaker: una nova forma de jugar al MasterMind UPC, 2016

Gabriel PRAT (Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence) Stability and accuracy aspects of Feature Weighting algorithms UPC,  2016

Marc VELMER (Bachelor in Computer Science) Estrategia explotadora en juegos de póquer UPC,  2016

Huseyin COSKUN (Master in Artificial Intelligence, tutored) Human Pose Estimation with CNNs and LSTMs (TUM, Germany, 2016)

Xavier SERRA (Bachelor in Computer Science) Implementation and study of a deep/wide kernel machine UPC,  2015

Matthew W. SALTZ (Erasmus Mundus DMKM Master) A study into kernelized associative memories UPC,  2015

Cristian DÁVILA (Bachelor in Computer Science) Implementación y estudio de una wide kernel machine basada en RBMs UPC,  2015

Luis FAURA (Bachelor in Computer Science) Predicció de mutacions a partir de la descomposició per residus de l'energia d'unió proteïna-pèptid UPC,  2015

Miguel BETANZOS (Master in Artificial Intelligence) A tool for automatic evaluation of human translation quality within a MOOC environment UPC,  2015

Laureline PINAULT (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, internship) Heterogeneous kernels for machine learning ENS Lyon, 2015

Mauricio PEÑA-GRASS (Master in Statistics and Operations Research) Multivariate Dynamic Kernels for Financial Time Series Forecasting UPC,  2015

Albert VILAMALA (Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence) Multivariate Methods for Interpretable Analysis of MRS Data in Brain Tumour Diagnosis UPC,  2015
Jaime ANDRÉS (Master in Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics) Streaming Data Clustering in MOA using the Leader Algorithm UPC,  2015

Sonia SANDALINAS (Bachelor in Computer Science) Interfície web per aprendre Aprenentatge UPC,  2015

Yaroslav HERNÁNDEZ  (Bachelor in Computer Science) Estudi i extensió de funcions de kernel pel tractament de valors perduts UPC, 2015

Miguel IBERO (Bachelor in Telecommunications) A work queue server for the ICHNAEA project UPC, 2014

Ariadna LLOVET  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Development of a protein quantification algorithm for data analysis in the field of proteomics UPC, 2014

Nahuel VELAZCO (Bachelor in Computer Science). Disseny de Serveis Web pel programari ICHNAEA  UPC,  2014

Alberto GONZÁLEZ (Master in Biomedical Engineering) Why machines can not guess how we feel yet UPC,  2014

Carlos GARCÍA (Bachelor in Computer Science). Funcions de kernel multivariades per a problemes amb dades categòriques  UPC, 2014

Shreyas SESHADRI (Erasmus Mundus MERIT Master). Analysis of Similarity based Representations on Heterogeneous Data UPC, 2014.

David BUCHACA (Master in Artificial Intelligence). A multilayer extension of the similarity neural network UPC, 2014.

Yangdi LI (Erasmus Mundus DMKM Master, tutored).  Context-Aware Recommendations UPC, 2013.

Shalini GANGWAR (Erasmus Mundus DMKM Master, tutored). Transfer Learning for transportation UPC, 2013.

Marco VILLEGAS (Master in Artificial Intelligence). An investigation of new kernels for categorical variables UPC, 2013.

Punyavee NAPALAI (Erasmus Mundus DMKM Master, tutored). Estimation of downloading advertised mobile application probability UPC, 2013.

Albert VILÀ   (Bachelor in Computer Science). Plataforma web col·laborativa per serveis científics UPC, 2013

Alejandro DIBAN  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Modelització dels canvis de qualitat en l'aigua del riu Llobregat UPC, 2013

Víctor SANTANDER  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Servei web per al software Identax  UPC, 2013

Sergio HERNÁNDEZ  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Software per a l'anàlisi i filtratge de dades de microarray UPC, 2013

Joan CARLES (Bachelor in Computer Science). Disseny d'una GUI pel software ICHNAEA  UPC, 2013

Aitor PÉREZ (Bachelor in Computer Science). ICHNAEA 2.0: un programari pel modelatge en microbiología UPC, 2013

Pere SOLÀ  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Aplicació web per la validació online d'experiments de mineria de dades UPC, 2012

Kashif JAVED (Master in Artificial Intelligence). A study of feature selection algorithms for accuracy estimation UPC, 2012.

Jesús SOLS (Master in Applied Mathematics). T-Normas y el Teorema de Ling. UPC, 2012.

David SÀNCHEZ (Master in Artificial Intelligence). ICHNAEA: a machine learning software system for microbial source tracking. UPC, 2012.

Bastien BARCHIÉSI (Erasmus Mundus DMKM Master). Multi-class modelling with SVMs for microbial source tracking problems. UPC, 2011. 

Vladimer KOBAYASHI (Erasmus Mundus DMKM Master). Missing value modelling with SVMs for microbial source tracking problems UPC, 2011.

Fernando GONZÁLEZ (Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence). Feature selection in cancer research: microarray gene expression and in vivo ¹H-MRS domains. UPC, 2011.

Òscar FLORES (Bachelor in Computer Science). Plataforma per a la identificació taxonòmica de bacteris  UPC, 2009

Jerónimo HERNÁNDEZ  (Bachelor in Computer Science).  Algoritmos de clustering basados en el concepto de líder  UPC, 2009

Anna SÀNCHEZ (Bachelor in Computer Science). Desenvolupament d'un motor de recomanació social per a un web de tendències UPC, 2009

Carlos CASTAÑÉ (Bachelor in Computer Science). Plataforma web d'intel.ligència empresarial en codi obert basada en fluxos de treball UPC, 2010

Josep MORER (Bachelor in Computer Science). Plataforma web d'intel.ligència empresarial en codi obert basada en fluxos de treball UPC, 2010

Ángel MURIAS  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Estudio de bloques constructivos en algoritmos genéticos  UPC, 2007

Marcos PALACIOS  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Programa de gestió esportiva NEO INDI v1 UPC, 2008

Roberto LÓPEZ (Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence). Neural Networks for Variational Problems in Engineering (tutored). UPC, 2008.

Jerónimo HERNÁNDEZ (Master in Artificial Intelligence). Heterogeneous Neural Networks and the Leader2 Algorithm. UPC, 2010.  You can retrieve his work here.

Jordi PETCHAMÉ (Master in Artificial Intelligence). Liquidity Risk modeling using Artificial Neural Networks. UPC, 2011.
---> You can retrieve his work here.

Malgorzata WESOŁOWSKA (Master in Computer Science). A study on feature selection based on AICc and its application to microarray data. UPC, 2009.
---> You can retrieve her work here.

Guillermo NEBOT (Master in Artificial Intelligence). An heterogeneous kernel for kernel machines. UPC, 2009. ---> You can retrieve his work here

Niklás COLLIN (Master in Computer Science) Time-Series Prediction of a Waste Water Treatment Plant: a case study in data analysis using support vector machines. Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), 2004.

Miguel VÁZQUEZ (Máster en Investigación en Informática) Support vector machines and positive semi-definite matrices. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2004.

Jorge OROZCO (Master of Advanced Studies) A formal framework for similarity and dissimilarity. UPC, 2004.

Luis Carlos MOLINA (Master of Advanced Studies) Feature selection and discretization in the petroleum industry domain. UPC, 2002.

Miguel Ángel RODRÍGUEZ  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Campus virtual per a formació de 2n. cicle de l'EPSEB UPC, 2004

Oscar MARTOS (Bachelor in Computer Science). Campus virtual per formació de 2n. cicle de l'EPSEB UPC, 2004

José Alfonso BARAJAS  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Creación de una web de Ticketing  UPC, 2006

Ricard DE LA VEGA  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Plataforma de desenvolupament i prova d'algorismes de selecció de variables UPC, 2003

Armando RODRÍGUEZ  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Gestión de una autoescuela  UPC, 1997

Bruno CANAMASAS  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Composició de peces musicals òptimes a partir de sèries dodecafòniques UPC, 1999

Vicenç GÓMEZ  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Estudi d'algorismes d'entrenament per xarxes neuronals de base radial  UPC, 2002

Sergio NEGRI  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Redes de Kohonen heterogéneas UPC, 2001

José Manuel BARJA  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Búsqueda de relaciones en bases de datos  UPC, 2001

Raquel LÓPEZ  (Bachelor in Computer Science). Uso de bases de datos en sistemas inteligentes de información  UPC, 2001

Benoît QUARTIER-DIT-MAIRE (Bachelor in Computer Science). Algorithme d'entraînement local de RBF UPC, 2001